Onward in Life, to the North we go!

“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” – John Muir

Have you ever heard someone (or god forbid, yourself) say any of these sentiments?

“Man, I regret not doing that!”
“If I didn’t have so many responsibilities I would …”
“I thought of doing …, but then life happened.”

Did you ever have a big-idea that you just wrote off as a “dream” or a “maybe someday”?

For our family -our “dream”, our “maybe someday” has arrived!  Never will we be able to look back on our “dream” and say – “I regret not doing that.” 2017 is the year…June is the month.

  • We sell our house and move from Wisconsin to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
  • Our full-time residence becomes our hand-built yurt
  • Lisa “retires” from her 15 year career in marketing
  • We adapt to a lifestyle of homesteading, sustainable living, self-sufficiency
  • We go full force into the lifestyle of living off less and with less (we’ve been practicing for some time)

We’re determined, researched and well-planned, totally and completely positive in our mindset, full of love, and perhaps a little bit crazy. 😉

Join us on our adventure by following this blog, or here or here or here.  Wishing you peace, love, and nature.

Flyover, Fall 2016

10 thoughts on “Onward in Life, to the North we go!

  1. My heart is so happy for you all. I’ll miss a lot with you not in Green Bay but know I’ll be your way for visits. For years you shared so much about your dreams and I listened with envy. So happy you are following your dreams. ❤️


  2. How wonderful….I know this has been your goal and your dream. What a beautiful life you are continuing up into God’s country. June will be here before you know it. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey through your blog. All the best….-MaryLynn


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